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Independent Ebony Escort


Picture her, Shakira, the epitome of grace and sophistication, with a degree in the sciences to match her exquisite beauty. Once an athlete, her body is a testament to dedication and discipline, sculpted curves that beg to be explored by eager hands. When she enters a room, all eyes are drawn to her.


In her downtime, she finds solace in the thrill of sports and the timeless allure of film noir and old Hollywood classics. But it's in the company of a gentleman who possesses the charm of Cary Grant and the wit of Jim Carrey that she truly shines. Together, they embark on a journey of discovery, uncovering layers of compatibility and desire that ignite like a flame in the darkness.


Do you crave the companionship of a woman who is as intelligent as she is seductive? Look no further than Shakira. She's not just a dream girl, she's a newfound obsession waiting to be explored.


Now, don't keep a girl waiting. Come and get me!

Shak x

A Closer Look

AGE: Mid 20s


HEIGHT: (barefoot): 164cm 


PHYSIQUE: athletic, slim, 8/S


COMPLEXION: Dark-brown hair, Brown eyes


AVAILABLE TO: Men & couples


SMOKER: No. But you’re more than welcome to


FAVOURITE CUISINES: Italian and Pan Asian


FAVOURITE DRINKS: Pinot Noir or Champagne if I'm feeling naughty ;)


FAVOURITE FLOWERS: Pink lilies or roses


FAVOURITE COLOURS: Pink, black and Gold


MY DREAM DATE WOULD BE: Anywhere that you can teach me about something you love or where we can learn something new together! Alternatively, if you don’t feel like teaching, a spa and a massage is a surefire way to get into my good books…

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